Captain Bruce is a Captain certified by the US Coastguard and also a commercial crabber with over 40 years experience crabbing the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. He is one of the very few commercial crabbers who uses Stackable Crab Traps to catch crabs. Captain Bruce has been making Stackable Crab Traps for over 15 years. He continuously uses the knowledge he gains by using his traps out on the water to improve the design and operation of the traps. This allows you, the recreational crabber to have a worry-free and productive crabbing experience.

33% Larger than regular STACKABLE CRAB TRAPS
Guaranteed to catch more crabs with less traps in less time!
- 33% larger than regular stackable crab traps
- 12" x 12" - The only trap on the market with a full 1 square foot "footprint"
- Commercial grade traps and components will last years - even with heavy usage in the salty waters of the Chesapeake Bay
- Designed and made by a commercial crabber with over 40 years experience who uses these very same traps
- Available in galvanized and vinyl-covered (rigged or unrigged)
- The only trap on the market today with the catching power of 5 crab traps (See how this is possible below)
- Available in three models - Little Foot, Big Foot and Big Gun
- One high quality, high tension stainless steel bait spring in included with every trap - makes baiting and unbaiting the traps a breeze
- Stackable - a stack of 15 traps is only 48" tall and occupies only one square footprint of valuable boat space!
- The perfect trap for the "hot spots" in your line (read more about hot spots below).
You might be able to buy traps cheaper, but you can't buy them better!
Now you can use razor clams or alewife as bait in the early and late seasons, and chicken necks in the summer. Just get some clam bags and some snoods and you are all set! Here's how to do it:
- Just pull the loose end of the snood up into the SS bait spring to hold it in place.
- Add your bait, and put the other end of the snood tight around the clam bag. When you want to change back to chicken necks, just pull the snood line out of the SS bait spring and put your neck in.

These traps can be used in any or all of three different methods.

Method 1
Use it just like you would use a regular crab trap. Put a single bait under the center stainless steel bait spring and crab. One (1) stainless steel bait spring is included in purchase price of each trap. Additional stainless bait springs are available at additional cost.

Method 2
When the crab bite picks up you can add more baits to your trap (up to a maximum of 5). The more food for the crabs to feed on, the more crabs you will catch with each pull of the trap! With our high quality, high tension stainless steel bait springs, baiting and unbaiting is a breeze.

Method 3
Bait all 5 bait springs with bait and lower the trap in the water to create a chum slick. A chum slick will create a feeding frenzy, which will draw more crabs from a greater distance to feed in your trap.
While other crabbers are waiting for the bite to turn on, YOU will be catching crabs!
The bottom line: More baits = more crabs
And when you are finished crabbing you can stack the traps in a nice neat stack... Using only a 1 square footprint of your valuable boat space!
A stack of 15 traps is only 48" tall!
Every crabber has a “hot spot” in their line. A hot spot is defined as the traps that almost always produces a crab every time you pull it up. The Big Foot Stackable crab trap (with extra stainless steel bait spring) is the right tool for the job! This trap was designed to allow you to take full advantage of this hot spot by putting more baits in this hot area of the river resulting in YOU catching more crabs. The reason is simple: The Big Foot Stackable crab trap allows you to put more baits, and a larger trap, in this hot area.
The bottom line is more crabs… with less traps… in less time!
How I use my Little Foot, Big Foot and Big Gun Traps
I lay my Little Foot size stackable crab traps out in different areas and in different depths. As soon as I begin to catch crabs from a Little Foot trap, I cut my Bait in half and bait up a Big Foot or Big Gun trap with 5 or 6 pieces of bait and replace the Little Foot traps with the Big Foot and Big Guns traps. I also move the Little Foot traps at the end of the line. I keep doing this over and over again, until all of my hot spots are covered with Big Foot and Big Guns traps with multiple baits. I continue this process until I have all the crabs that I need for the day.
Our personal best last year was 4 keeper crabs in 1 Big Foot trap in 1 pull and a bushel in 45 minutes using this method.