#8 Solid Braid Trotline 300′ with 3/16″ Snoods 4′ Spacing


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Crabbing in Virginia? Wanna maximize your 300ft trotline limit? This line is for you! This 1/4″ sinking like is more user friendly than #6 line. This snoodline is the favorite of recreational crabbers because it stays soft, it’s easy on the hands when you pull it in, it coils neatly in a basket and, if it gets a knot all you have to do is shake it out. This is the legal size trotline for recreational crabbers in Virginia. The 3/16 snoods are the best snood for using bait bags. They can be used with chicken necks as well as a bunch of other crabbing bait. Comes with snoods every 4ft to maximize baits for crabbers in Virginia.