"This is the 9.25 inch crab my daughter and I caught in the Chester river a couple of weeks ago." (pic, right)
"Thanks for a great product. Bought #59 trot this year. Read all your instructions, watched videos. Having a great year."
"Fresh razors did the trick. Thanks for everything."
"You were right on with the clams! Thank you! Caught a bushel of nice size crab at the Wye. Got the new trot line in the water around 630 and had a bushel around 12. Had to work for them but Kurt missed a bunch and we threw a few back that were around 6 inches."
"I am going to be ordering some crab trap as we get closer to warm weather. I love your web site... like a candy store for adults!!!" (Chad)
"Them darn traps worked! Now I can't return them..."
"Best crab traps ever by one of the nicest guys in the business. Thank you Captain Bruce."
"Maiden voyage yesterday with all my new gear I just got from you. Thanks again." (pic, bottom right)
"Made our crabbing so much more productive. My family loves going crabbing."
"By the way, your Big Foot traps are awesome! Thank you very much for making a high quality product!" (Adam)
"When I got home, I took a hard look at my Big Foot rigged vinyl deluxe (SS) traps you sold to me. I must admit, I was amazed with the quality of your product. I am completely satisfied with the Big Foot traps. My money was well spent. I have been recreational crabbing on the eastern shore for quite a few years, I have never come across equipment as good as yours. As I retire more of my current equipment, I will return to purchase more Big Foot traps, and one of your 600' rigged trot lines. Thank you Captain Bruce, I hope you continue to provide your high quality products. Please thank Crabwoman for doing a fine job scribing my name on the floats." (Joe Riccio)
"I ordered 10 traps from you and I needed the them fast. I received 10 very well crafted traps for you ahead of schedule. I could not be more pleased, my son and I love fishing together but now all he wants to do is go crabbing! We caught so many crabs that we only kept the big boys!! Thank you very much, you made a little boy and his dad very happy." (Joseph R. Davis)
Thanks for making my crabbing life easier. The traps are consistent work compared to the trotline but less worry about running the boat straight or having the wind push you. These are awesome. Thanks. (Frank)
"I used my new traps last Sunday and caught 30 big Jimmies. The traps worked great. I'm assuming you make them yourselves... it shows. Great quality!" (Rich Mulford)
"My wife bought me 8 of the Big Gun traps for FREE SHIPPING and I absolutely love them. They are the best traps I have ever owned. I usually average 3 crabs to a trap when I pull them up. In September of 2010 I was crabbing on the Wye and caught 8 crabs in one of them. It was so heavy coming up that I thought it was a turtle. Unfortunately 2 got out right before I got it out of the water but the other 6 stayed in. Thanks for the great traps!" (Tim Porak)
"I bought crab traps about 10 years ago, and the string on them needs replacing." (Paul)
"Just wanted to say thanks for the beautiful net and snooded crab line. Excellent quality and that's not common these days. I'll be out once this dang rain stops. I'll be sure to pass on about your quality products to my friends. Take care." (Pete Bauer)
"Hi, as I’m dusting off my gear and eagerly awaiting the crabs to arrive, I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know how awesome your convertible traps are since I was too busy using them last year to write in. They easily fit in the back of my relatively small car, but give you the security of a topped trap (I crab off of a tall pier). They’re also easier on my girlfriend because the trap closes immediately and she can pull it through the water column and up to the pier at her leisure (and a happy girlfriend means more crabbing). So thanks again!" (Ray)
"Did very well using your traps for the first time. Went out Saturday and Sunday morning for a couple of hours each day. Managed a bushel of heavy jimmies. I was pleasantly surprised at how efficient they are. I had many a trap come up with two crabs in the trap and several with three. My wife went into the day thinking trot lines rule and was surprised at how much she enjoyed it as well. Looking forward to the last 4 traps." (Mike)
"Crabbing just about broke up my marriage. Went crabbing with 20 small pots, out for hours and only caught 7-9 crabs. Then my husband was surfing the net and came across Captain Bruce's website. He purchased 10 big gun traps and what a difference a trap makes. We caught 1 bushel last time out. Great person to deal with. Highly recommend traps." (Fran Tate)
"Thanks for the traps. They look very nice and well made. Much nicer design than others I have seen or used. Can't wait to try them." (Chris)
"My name is Chip and I'm the one who bought a 1,000' line off you on Tuesday (Townsend De). It came Thursday and couldn't wait to get her wet! I took my wife and son down to Tred Avon Friday morning. We started at 6 and had our bushel by 9:30! Best day this year by far. Those things are soooo fun and after our 2nd run my wife turned and said "Why did we wait so long to get one of these?" Anyway, just thought I'd say thanks for the quick service and nice product. Have a great season!" (Chip)
"Hey Captain Bruce, just wanted to let you know that my order arrived yesterday and these topless traps look nice. Unbelievable that I placed order on Monday and received them on Tuesday. Thanks for the warp speed shipping. I am anxious to give them a try." (Dennis Maltby)
"Thanks for making my crabbing life easier. The traps are consistent work compared to the trotline but less worry about running the boat straight or having the wind push you. These are awesome. Thanks." (Frank)
"By the way, for folks who are still on the fence about buying from CB, he makes great crab traps, and customer service is outstanding." (Crabshack)
"Nice traps. I will be picking some of these up soon." (Madcrabber11)
" After dealing with CB, I wouldn't buy trap anywhere else. A++++ service." (LeathalWeapor)
"Captain Bruce's traps are nice. Just got 10 more a month ago in vinyl coated and he includes a SS bait spring, too. I can't wait to use them." (Cdog)
"...Really like the 12x12 design, will definitely replace as needed with those. It's almost a 50% bigger area for them mumbos." (DOMNIKDYL)
"I love the traps. They are much better than the Foxy Mates. Thank you so much." (Captain Dave, Wye River)
"Thank you so much for the wonderful products, as you know my son and I came up to your house Labor Day 2011 to pick up the snood line and nine Big Gun traps. He and I were so excited about getting these traps in the water that we decided to go this past Saturday. I was a little hesitant because it was only his second time to go alone with him, and I was nervous. We had such a great time just he and I...
OK now for the success story... We got on the Wye River about 5:45, dropped all nine traps, came back around to the first trap and it was empty. Pulled the second trap and he pulled up a crab that measured 8 and a half inches! Was he so excited! (Sorry, left my phone in my vehicle for the pic). Then we pulled and pulled until about 12 noon and walked away with almost two bushels! We didn't make the three crab club yet (I know we will) but we did have at least ten pulls where there were two crabs in the traps. I am going out again in two weeks and we are going to use the snood line this time. Your traps are great, they are the best. I will be calling you for more. Thanks again for the great product. I think we have a future crabber on our hands. My son can't wait to go again - he is turning down going to Hershey Park to go crabbing with his old man... What more can I ask for?" (The Finksburg Crabber)